Top 10 Natural Home Remedies for Piles

Piles, or hemorrhoids, are the swelling of blood vessels located in the region of the anus or rectum. It is completely normal to have blood vessels in the anus, as they play an important role in incontinence.

But when these blood vessels become large, they cause piles. It is usually caused by straining during the vowel movements during pregnancy or obesity. Discomfort is one of the common symptoms of piles.

A number of people may have files, but the symptoms are not always the same. 50% of people have noticeable symptoms, and 50% of them don’t even notice. The growth of piles can vary in size and location and lead to significant discomfort.

Types of Piles

Piles can be internal or external. The internal one occurs within the rectum and is usually not visible during an external examination.

On the other hand, external piles grow to protrude outside the anus and can be examined externally.

The external files are from small alarms on the outside edges of the anus. They are itchy and can be full if the clots develop, blocking the blood flow.

There are usually 4 grades of internal files, and they are as follows:

Grade I: in this case, the growth does not cause any symptoms and does not grow out of the anus.

Grade II: Here the piles can be seen externally but can be returned inside independently.

Grade III: in this case, the piles prolapse externally and are only received inside with manual intervention.

Grade IV: In the 4th grade, piles prolapse outside the unless and cannot be positive inside.

Piles Symptoms

In some cases, there are no symptoms, but in certain cases, there are some serious symptoms of piles, as mentioned below.

  • It may form painful lumps in and around the anus.
  • It may cause this comfort and itching around the anus.
  • Causing blood during stool or comfort during passing stool
  • May cause excessive bleeding and infection.
  • It may lead to anaemia.

Piles are usually caused by chronic diarrhoea, lifting heavy weights, chronic constipation, or straining when passing stool.

10 Natural Remedies for Piles

There are certain natural remedies for pimples that can provide comfort in times of pain and bleeding.

1. Adding Fibre To The Diet

Fibre is important for a balanced diet. It plays a vital role in eliminating waste from the body.

Consuming 25–38 grams of fibre in a day and eliminating spicy food from the diet can help get relief from piles.

Add meals that are easy to digest and avoid fruit juices that deplete fibres in the body.

2. Hydrate Yourself

Keeping your body hydrated not only gives relief from pain but also saves you from hundreds of different problems and symptoms.

Drinking not less than eight glasses of water a day will keep you hydrated and fresh. Other than that, coconut water, sugarcane juice, and vegetable juices will also keep the body hydrated.

3. Maintain Washroom Hygiene

The most important one to look for is bathroom hygiene. Keep your toilet seat clean and use a clean towel, tissue paper, and wipes.

Also, never hold your stool or wait for a better place or time. Holding it may lead to straining and more pressure on piles.

Try to maintain washroom hygiene not only at home but outside home too.  

4. Exercise and Yoga

Certain exercises and yoga also help in getting relief from piles. A brisk walk for twenty minutes daily, meditation, and performing different asanas are beneficial for overall health.

This will help you digest the food properly, keeping you fresh and healthy. Also, it removes stress from the body.

5. Aloe Vera Massage

Aloe Vera is a natural ingredient that helps with a number of diseases. As per Ayurevda, it helps with a variety of symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Gently massaging the affected area with fresh aloe vera gel for 10 minutes gives relief from the burning sensation and itching of piles.

6. Natural Oils

The best natural and ayurvedic treatment for piles is natural oil. There are a variety of natural herbal oils in Ayurveda that would help you get a good amount of relief from piles.

Massaging the affected area two times a day with these herbal oils will give you good relief from itching and burning near the anus.

7. Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are also a good natural ingredient for piles. Roasting and grinding the seeds and taking a teaspoon of it with one bottle of water on an empty stomach in the morning can give you a better release.

It has a cooling effect on the body and reduces heat. It is affected and decreases the burning sensation according to the region of piles.

8. Neem Leaves

Like aloe vera, neem also has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and toxins.

Banking water, plants, and flowers in the affected area can give good relief. Apply the paste and leave it for 10 minutes.

After that, wash it with cold water. This one would definitely help me get better treatment for piles.

9. Cold Compresses

Cold Compresses are also a natural remedy for relieving swelling and pain. Applying ice packs or other cold compresses to the affected area will definitely give you better relief from burning and itching.

A minimum of 15 minutes of compression will be an effective method to relieve it naturally.

10. Wet Wipes

Using dry tissue or a towel after a bowel movement can irritate the existing piles and cause burning or itching.

As compared to them, moisturised wipes help clean the area properly without causing any further irritation.

The wipes are available with different products. The one with aloe vera gel or hazel can be more effective.


These are some of the natural home remedies for piles. If you have any other symptoms or some serious condition, then you should get the right diagnosis for it at the right time.

Severe pain and having more bleeding are more complex symptoms that should be diagnosed as soon as possible.

The remedies mentioned above will give you a good amount of relief from burning and itching. Following proper health and hygiene practices would help to control the further effects.

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