5 Therapies for Paralysis Treatment by Ayurveda

The complete or partial loss of muscle function is known as paralysis. It can have a lot of different causes, which can be serious and maybe temporary or permanent.

It leads to loss of feeling in the affected area when there is sensory damage. Paralysis is most commonly caused by damage to the nervous system, especially the spinal cord.

Other major causes of paralysis are stroke, trauma with nerve injury, cerebral palsy, peripheral neuropathy, poliomyelitis, etc.

Paralysis can be temporary or permanent, depending on the causes and effects of the disorder.

It is found in every age group, with different symptoms. Even newborns can have paralysis or suffer any of the conditions of paralysis.

When you are paralysed, you can’t move certain parts of your body due to the injured nerves that do not send signals to muscles which make them move.

Some people experience temporary paralysis or partial paralysis with full movement of the body, whereas permanent paralysis has no control over the muscle, is reversible, and can affect any part of the body.

Paralysis Treatment by Ayurveda

Ayurveda is still considered one of the most effective medications for every disorder. Ayurveda even has a cure for disorders like paralysis, where the movement of the body or some parts of the body is restricted.

With the help of different ayurvedic therapies and medications, the effects of paralysis can be decreased or permanently removed from the body.

The ayurvedic therapies work to stimulate the nervous system and relax muscles that are paralysed.

With the help of this treatment, you can cover up your health and cure the illness completely by relaxing the muscles.

Treatment based on the health status or overall lifestyle of a person can be chosen to cure the illness.

Therapies for Paralysis

Here are some ayurvedic treatments for paralysis in India that help cure the disease in an effective and natural way by making the muscles relax.

1. Abhyanga

Abhyanga is an oil massage ayurvedic therapy involving massage of the entire body from the head to the toe with dosha-specific warm herb-infused oils.

In this case, the oil is commonly pre-mixed with herbs, depending on the specific conditions.

Traditionally, sesame oil is used, but Ayurveda professionals can change the oil to ashwagandha, mahanarayan, brahmi or bhringraj based on the dosha type.

It is considered that massage maintains good health and well-being by aiding joint health and nourishing the body tissues.

It improves the condition of flaky skin, coarse hair, and a dry scalp too. It is also used to sooth vata, pitta, and kapha doshas, bringing deep relaxation to the body and a peaceful mind.

2. Nasyam

Nasyam is also a powerful panchakarma therapy involving the medication of herbal oils.

In this, the medication of herbal oil is done through the nose and is used for treating illnesses related to the head.

The therapy removes the toxin from the channels and cavities in the neck, brain, eyes, nose, etc.

As the therapy acts directly on the brain, it is used to cure the illness of paralysis. Thus, paralysis is mainly caused by illnesses that injure the brain or spinal cord.

Nasyam is a useful medication to carry for the cure of paralysis. It is mainly used to cure the kapha dosha in the upper body.

3. Padabhyanga

Padabhyanga is a foot massage therapy that holds a special place in Ayurveda.

Our feet connect the body with the earth, and massaging the pressure points with herbal and medicine oils can give relief for different symptoms.

The therapy ensures smooth body functioning and restored wellness.

This special foot massage, with the use of warm herbal oils, relaxes muscles and ligaments in the lower limbs.

It helps reduce the effects and causes of paralysis. The massage stimulates special energy and influences the better functioning of the organs, including the brain and nervous system.

And that is the reason why different techniques of padabhyanga are used to cure diseases and conditions of paralysis. The therapy provides overall immunity to the body and helps calm the vata dosha.

4. Pizhichil

Pizhichil is a unique ayurvedic therapy from Kerala that literally means squeezing.

In this, a special linen cloth is dipped into the warm medicated oil mixture and squeezed over the affected areas of the patient while simultaneously massaging that area.

The treatment improves blood circulation and immunity in the body.

It is effective in treating elements like muscle cramps, paralysis, neurological disorders, rheumatic diseases, and blood pressure issues.

As massage enhances blood circulation and soothes muscles as well as nervous tissues, it is widely used to cure the symptoms of paralysis. Therefore, this ayurvedic therapy can do a lot for the patient suffering from paralysis.

5. Sneha Basti

Sneha basti is an important part of ayurvedic massage that detoxifies the body. This panchakarma therapy involves the administration of medicated oil or ghee on the vata dosha.

The therapy helps flush out all the toxins in the lower body. It is effective in reducing lower back aches and pain caused by gout and rheumatism.

Ayurvedic therapy is indicated for the management of neurological elements such as paralysis. And a person suffering from the symptoms of paralysis can get relaxation by taking the therapy treatment.


A person suffering from paralysis can improve their physical condition by taking any of the therapies mentioned above, depending on the type of symptoms they have.

This holistic method takes care of the health status, eating pattern, and mental illness of a person.

All the above-mentioned paralysis therapies improve muscle strength and reduce mental stress, which helps in curing it more effectively.

All five therapies have their own significance and methods through which the paralysis can be treated from the root.

The therapies are effective in curing partial as well as fully paralysed people. It is a natural way of curing the affected part of the body with herbal and natural ingredients that have no side effects.

Ayurveda is a time-consuming but most effective process to cure paralysis from the root cause.

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