Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment

Parkinson’s disease is a brain ailment that results in unintentional or uncontrollable movements such as stiffness, shaking, and problems with coordination and balance.

The signs appear gradually and progressively worsen with time. People experience difficulties speaking and walking as the symptoms intensify.  

It is a degenerative neurological condition that destroys nervous system cells. Parkinson’s disease primarily has five stages.

  • The signs and symptoms of stage I are not severe and do not hinder everyday activities. It includes moderate changes in facial expressions and a slight difficulty walking. 
  • The symptoms of stage II are more severe, which makes daily tasks harder to do, such as walking and balancing difficulties and bad posture.
  • Even though Stage III is worse, the individual is nonetheless independent. Some of the symptoms include losing your balance, moving slowly, and having trouble getting dressed, eating, and bathing. 
  • The symptoms of stage IV make it nearly impossible to live freely and limit everyday activities. 
  • Stage V symptoms are so severe that it is challenging to even stand up straight. At this point, all daily tasks are hindered.  

Symptoms of Parkinson Disease

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may be different for everyone. It may bedding from one side and remain worse on that side even after the symptoms begin to affect limbs on both sides. 


It is a neurological condition including trembling or shaking movements in one or more of the body parts. It usually begins in the limbs, majorly your finger or hand.

Tremor can even occur in legs, arms, head or vocal cord. It can be constant or may happen sometimes.  

Rigid Muscles

Increased muscle tone or the unusual tightness in the muscles is commonly known as rigid muscles.

It may lead to inconvenience e in walking, speech, movement yet many other daily activities. Thus, this stiff muscle limits the range of motion and can be painful as well. 

Slowed Movement

One of the major symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is that it decreases movement. Slow movement makes simple tasks difficult and time consuming. It may lead to shorter steps and difficulty in getting off the chair.   

Loss of Automatic Movement

You may experience a decreased ability in performing unconscious movements that includes blinking, smiling or swinging your arms while walking. These symptoms also bring changes in your daily life activities a lot. 

Writing and Speech Changes

It may become hard for an individual suffering from Parkinson’s disease to write properly. Even the writing may become smaller. Your speech may become soft or quick, slur or you may hesitate before talking. 

Impaired Posture & Balance

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease also include stooped posture. You may fall or have balance problems while walking or sitting as a result of this disease. 

There are many other symptoms that lead to Parkinson’s disease and disability in some of the body functions. 

Causes of Parkinson Disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused due to breakdown of neurons that produce a chemical messenger in the brain known as dopamine. The actual cause of disease is unknown but there are certain factors that may be the cause of this disease. 

Environmental Trigger

Certain toxins or environmental factors increase the risk of Parkinson disease. The pesticides and herbicides used in farming and traffic or industrial pollution may lead to this condition. 


Another cause of this disease may be due to the specific genetic change. But the genetic reasons are uncommon except some rare cases with family members affected due to Parkinson’s disease. 

Presence of Lewy Bodies

The clumps of some specific substances within the brain cells are the makers of Parkinson’s disease. They are the lewy bodies that holds an important clue to the cause of this disease. 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease primarily manifests as rigidity, balance and posture issues, tremors, and rigidity.

There are several parkinson’s disease treatment in ayurveda. While a person may detect tiny alterations in his regular activities, the early indicators are hardly evident. 


One can use panchkarma for a set number of days depending on their condition. It is a form of ayurvedic medicine used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

The five purifying techniques used in this conventional ayurvedic therapy are vamana, basti (niruha, anuvasna), virechana, and nasya. It aids in reestablishing mental and physical equilibrium. 

By simultaneously detoxifying the body and supplying correct nutrients, panchakarma offers assistance in two different ways.

Both processes take place at a more in-depth, cellular level of the organism. by using certain oil massage techniques, such as abhyanga, or by drizzling oil on the forehead. 


Dhara and snehana are two ayurvedic remedies that are combined to form pizhichil. From head to toe, the entire body is massaged with lukewarm medicinal oil.

The patient feels extremely relaxed as a result. By nourishing and lubricating the muscles and joints, the therapy reduces tremors and stiffness. Stress is decreased and mood is improved. 

It has been discovered to help patients with their balance, mobility, and coordination. Parkinson disease patients can live better lives by engaging in regular exercise and making dietary adjustments.      

Veggies and Fruits

Fruits rich in fibre include pears, dragon fruit, avocados, raspberries, and other types of berries. They contain a lot of magnesium.

However, consuming fruits rich in magnesium and fibre reduces the frequency of cramps and spasms in the muscles.

Leafy greens like spinach and kale, along with tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant, are beneficial for treating Parkinson’s.

The health benefits of whole grains, berries, and nuts are protein-rich foods. Orange and grapefruit juices, among others, are advantageous for Parkinson’s. To maintain overall wellness, a nutritious diet is required. 


Yoga can provide treatment for Parkinson’s patients. It enhances range of motion, strength, balance, and functional mobility.

Along with self-efficacy, it also benefits stress management and anxiety. Yoga is beneficial since it may modify various motions to fit the needs of each person.  

Morning stiffness can be eased with lateral stretches and gentle hamstring warm-ups.

Additionally, eating fruits and vegetables has been shown to be the most effective strategy to slow Parkinson’s. Yoga aims to restore healthy mental balances and balance the disrupted doshas. 

End Note

These are some of the symptoms, causes and ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease that will give you an overview about it.

As the disease is unknown there are no proven ways to prevent or cure the disease. You can get better relief if you take care of it from the initial stage. 

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