11 Healthy Foods To Prevent Stroke in Ayurveda

Stroke occurs due to blockage of blood supply in the brain or when blood vessels burst out in the brain.

Some people may have temporary symptoms and some may have long-lasting symptoms.

The symptoms of stroke include trouble in walking, speaking and understanding.

It may even lead to paralysis or numbness of the face, leg or arm.      

Foods To Prevent Stroke

A diet rich in brain-healthy foods can help stroke recovery.

They provide a variety of benefits and are rich sources of antioxidants and flavonoids.

The foods promote brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which supports the growth of new brain cells and promotes neuronal connections with the brain.

It is ideal to get the nutrients from your diet whenever possible, which will help you discover a healthy lifestyle for stroke.

Even in the ayurvedic treatment for brain stroke, there are many foods that help decrease the causes and symptoms of stroke.

Certain foods contain high fibre and nutrients properties that help to prevent a variety of illnesses. 


Beans are a fibre-packed meal that is well known for its heart-health benefits.

Eating beans helps to keep cholesterol levels low and reduces the risk of clogged arteries.

As per Ayurveda, a rich diet also reduces blood pressure and improves artery function.

Adding beans to your every-day meal can reduce the risk of stroke or prevent it in the future. 

2. Berries

BerriesBerries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are associated with a good amount of health benefits.

They have the ability to reduce inflammation and improve heart health. Along with fibres, Paris also includes vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.

The flavonoid antioxidants in various foods are known to help boost heart health.

They help prevent the symptoms of stroke by reducing inflammation and cholesterol and improving the artery’s functioning.

3. Onion

Onion Onion’s PowerPoint with the number of health benefits They are a rich source of protection for the arteries.

The intake of onions can lower the risk of death related to diseases caused by atherosclerosis.

Sulphur present in onions helps prevent blood vessel inflammation and increases the availability of nitric oxide, improving artery health.

4. Tomatoes

tomatosLike onions, tomatoes are also helpful in reducing the development of atherosclerosis.

They help reduce inflammation and boost HDL, which is a good cholesterol that reduces the risk of heart disease.

The combination of fresh tomatoes and olive oil gives good protection against cloudy arteries.

5. Spices

SpicesNatural spices such as paper chilli, ginger, and cinnamon help against club arteries.

They have anti-inflammatory properties that improve blood lipid levels and reduce the clumping of platelets in the blood.

Increasing spice consumption can help scavenge free radicals by adding a versatile flavoring to soups, stews, and other food products.

6. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits have a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in them. They decrease inflammation and help prevent free radicals in the body.

They have flavonoids and oxidise bad cholesterol. The fruits are rich in fibre and reduce the risk of heart disease as well as stroke.

If you consume citrus fruits daily, you can reduce the risk of stroke.

7. Flax Seeds

Flax SeedsFlax seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, including calcium and magnesium.

Apart from being highly nutritious, flax seeds help prevent stroke symptoms too. It is an anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering compound that decreases the chances of stroke and brain disorders.

8. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous VegetablesEating green vegetables or cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower can reduce the chances of developing clothes arteries.

They are rich in fibre, nutrition, and minerals that decrease the risk of stroke and other diseases in the body.

If you add cruciferous vegetables to your meal, you can make your mind and body healthy and reduce the risk of illness.

9. Beets


Beetroots are a rich source of nitrates, which are essential for the body. The body converts this nitrate into nitric oxide, which keeps the body healthy and strong.

The inflammation in blood vessels leads to decreased nitric oxide production, but you can gain it through beetroot.

It will help improve blood vessel functioning and decrease inflammation, which will prevent illnesses like stroke or other brain disorders.

10 .Oats

OatsOats are a perfect choice for preventing clogged arteries. Eating oats can reduce the risk factor for atherosclerosis and decrease the level of bad cholesterol.

The antioxidants present in oats are known as avenanthramides, which help inhibit inflammatory proteins as well as adhesion molecules.

Consuming old brands is helpful in providing good fibre to the body and lowering the risk of stroke.

11. Leafy Greens

Leafy GreensLeafy greens are one of the best sources of dietary nutrients. It helps improve blood vessel functioning and reduce inflammation in the body.

They are a good source of potassium and minerals, which help prevent certain diseases.

They are best at reducing the risk of heart disease. They are even better at preventing stroke, which is caused by clogged arteries.

Wrap Up

A healthy and nutritious diet is all that you need to reduce the risk of stroke.

As per Ayurveda, adding foods like vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens that are rich in fibre and minerals can decrease the risk of stroke and boost your overall health.

The foods listed above not only help you prevent the causes and symptoms of stroke but also give your overall health the perfect boost for a healthy lifestyle.

Some other foods that are rich in fibre and proteins, such as nuts and seeds, Dark chocolate and fresh fruits are perfect ways to prevent diseases like stroke.

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