Ayurvedic Brain Stroke Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment for Brain Stroke

We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, initially identify whether the stroke is ischemic or hemorrhagic. In ayurveda, paralysis of any kind is related to imbalanced vata hence balancing vata with the help of diet, lifestyle changes and medicine is an important part of our treatment. In case of an ischemic stroke, the focus is to re-establish proper blood flow to the affected area and rejuvenate and repair the affected neurons to establish proper nervous signaling.

Ayurvedic medicines mentioned in the shastras that have been known to cure neurological deficits are used to treat such patients. In case of a hemorrhagic stroke, it's important that the patient is treated in an emergency setting and monitored for the first 72 hours post which the patient can contact us to prevent any long term effects of the stroke like paralysis, speech disturbance etc.

What Is Brain Stroke?

Disruption of the blood flow to any area of the brain resulting in nerve tissue damage is called a brain stroke. It is correlated with Pakshaghata in ayurveda.

Statics of Brain Stroke
  • One of the major causes of death and disability in India is stroke.
  • Every year, 1.8 million people in India get a stroke.
  • According to research, 87 % of strokes are ischemic.
Risk of Brain Stroke
  • One of the major causes of death and disability in India is stroke.
  • Every year, 1.8 million people in India get a stroke.
  • According to research, 87 % of strokes are ischemic.

Types of Brain Stroke

Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke happens when there is a blockage in one of the blood vessels feeding the brain that prevents the blood and oxygen from reaching that part of the Brain and causing nerve cell damage.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when because of bleeding from a blood vessel a certain area in the brain loses access to its vital blood supply causing nerve cell damage in that area.

Symptoms of Brain Stroke

  • Dizziness, nausea or vomiting
  • Unusually severe headache
  • Confusion, disorientation or memory loss
  • Numbness, weakness in an arm, leg, face especially on one side
  • Abnormal or slurred speech
  • Difficulty with comprehension
  • Loss of vision or difficulty seeing
  • Loss of balance, coordination or the inability to walk

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Excessive intake of cold, dry & spicy food
  • Starving for longer durations
  • Having incompatible meal combinations
  • Suppressing natural urges to urinate & cry
  • Staying up late at night
  • Having meals at irregular periods
  • Exposure to chilly winds
  • Fear, rage, grief and jealousy

The above mentioned activities all contribute significantly to the aggravation of vata dosha.

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

According to Ayurveda, this condition is caused by vata imbalance. Since vata controls all bodily movements, an increased vata accumulates in the corresponding blood vessels obstructing blood flow and potentially increasing the risk of a brain stroke.

Ayurvedic Brain Stroke Hospital In India

Ayurveda can play a supportive role in the overall management of stroke recovery, alongside conventional medical care.


Q. What happens during a stroke?

Ans. A stroke happens when the blood flow to a part of the brain is suddenly disrupted. Brain cells die if the blood no longer supplies them with oxygen and nutrients.

Q. Why are brain stroke victims unable to recognise the symptoms?

Ans. Because a stroke impairs the brain, a person may not be able to identify their own difficulties. As a stroke can manifest as confusion, loss of awareness, and consciousness, the stroke patient may appear ignorant or confused to a layperson or observer.

Q. What is the treatment for Brain Stroke in Ayurveda?

Ans. We at Dr Dassan’s Ayurveda, first identify whether the stroke is Ischemic or Hemorrhagic. Brain Stroke is caused due to imbalance of vata. Therefore, our focus remains on balancing the vata dosha which is done by a vata balancing diet, exercises and medications provided by us. The goal in the case of an ischemic stroke is to restore adequate blood flow to the injured area and to rejuvenate and repair the damaged neurons in order to create appropriate neurological signaling. Such individuals are treated with ayurvedic medicines specified in the shastras, which have been known to treat neurological deficits. In case of a hemorrhagic stroke, it's important that the patient is treated in an emergency setting and monitored for the first 72 hours post which the patient can contact us to prevent any long term effects of the stroke like paralysis, speech disturbance etc.

Q. What are the other health conditions that are associated with Brain Stroke?


  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Weakness
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Chewing & swallowing disturbances
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired vision
  • Breathing problems

Q. What is the cost of the treatment?

Ans. Our medicines i.e the full course of treatment would cost around Rs 3000 to 6000 per month. It also depends on the patient’s digestive power, appetite and other associated conditions that the patient might be having since we believe in not just treating the disease but the body as a whole.

Q. Are there any side effects of the medicines?

Ans. No, there are no side effects as we believe in providing our patients with the best treatment and medications which are given in the appropriate dosage and with the right anupana (taken along with the medicine). However, each medicine has a different effect on each individual so we recommend you to stay in touch with us. We assure you that we take patient care very seriously.

Q. How many patients have you treated so far?

Ans. We have numerous records of patients who have gotten well after undergoing our treatment. You can watch various success stories on our youtube channel. No other treatment has as effective results as our treatment.

Q. Is stroke genetic?

Ans. Although uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the factors that contributes to strokes most frequently, there are other uncommon illnesses that can potentially cause a stroke. Numerous of these problems are hereditary.

Q. What should I do if I think someone is having a stroke?

Ans. Bystanders should be aware of the symptoms and react quickly during a stroke as it is a medical emergency. Call the doctor right away if you think someone is having a stroke as they will be unable to speak, move an arm or leg to one side or have facial paralysis on one side.

Q. What lifestyle habits can contribute to a Brain stroke?

Ans. Smoking, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol are some of the activities which can lead to a stroke.

Q. Is paralysis resulting from Brain stroke a permanent condition?

Ans. No it isn't a permanent condition if treated timely. Time is the key as soon as the blood flow is restored the chances of nerve tissue damage reduce. At Dr Dassan's we talk about the 3 month golden period that depicts the the time period within which if the patient undertakes our treatment, he/she recovers.

Q. Once recovered, Is there a chance that the stroke might recur?

Ans. Once the treatment period is over and the patient has recovered the patient should still keep his blood pressure under control by regular medication and lifestyle modifications. A patient should always keep in mind the underlying causative factor of his first stroke and persistently try not to let that be the reason for another stroke.
