Navratri Special | When Should You Not Fast

People fasting and worshiping goddess Durga is one of the important rituals of Navratri. People believe in this nine-night festival of Navratri in order to ask the goddess for her blessings on their family.

Regardless of all the religious and health benefits one seeks from fasting, there are always some conditions in which you must not fast. In this blog, we are going to discuss all those situations.

If You’re Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you eat not only for you but for two people.

Being on a diet can make carrying a child more difficult by reducing your energy, lowering your blood sugar and depriving the baby of essential requisite nutrition and calories.

You must consume enough water and maintain a healthy, balanced diet in order for you and your child to receive the nutrients that they require.

So, if you’re pregnant and still thinking of fasting then you must first talk to your doctor about the same.

If You’re Breastfeeding

In Navratri, some people fast for health reasons and some for religious purposes.

Either way if you’re a woman who is breastfeeding then you must not fast.

This is due to the fact that breastfeeding protects babies from numerous infections while also supplying them with essential nutrition.

Fasting during breastfeeding can impact your baby’s health as well as the production of your milk.

If You’re Diabetic

Some studies claim that intermittent fasting can help you control diabetes but it is always recommended to avoid fasting if you’re in the acute stage of Diabetes or dependent on Insulin.

You must take regular and healthy meals as fasting can create further complications by imbalancing the blood-sugar levels.

It is always advisable to talk to your doctor if you are still considering fasting.

If You Have an Eating Disorder

Fasting can be extremely difficult if you’re struggling with an eating disorder.

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and plethora of other disorders can be caused by fasting.

All this can be detrimental to your growth and health. Always consult your health professional before considering fasting.

If You’re Suffering from Other Chronic Diseases

Fasting can disturb your sleep, raising stress levels. During a fasting phase, headaches can also be caused due to an empty stomach.

All this can even deprive you from a sound sleep. Heartburn can also result from fasting because of the reduction in stomach acid.
Therefore, if you’re someone who is already suffering from a chronic disease, it is advised to drop the idea of fasting and emphasize more on having a nutritious diet.

If You Have a Sleep Disorder

An adequate sleep every night is extremely important for every individual.

It helps you relax your body and mind and also increases your ability to fight diseases. A sound sleep is necessary for keeping you active and healthy for the next day.

So, you’re advised not to fast if you have a sleeping problem.

This is because you’re already deprived of sleep which can result in various other types of discomfort such as fatigue, headache and restlessness.

When you fast in addition to all these things, you can end up worsening your health in all aspects.

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