Ayurvedic Epilepsy Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment for Epilepsy

We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first identify the underlying cause and take necessary steps for the same. A natural approach is taken to treat the apasmara patients with the help of herbs like ashwagandha and brahmi to calm the mind that in turn treats the causative factors like underlying stress, grief and anxiety. Ayurvedic medicines with Medhya herbs like shankhpushpi and jyotishmati that have been known to promote intellect and memory rejuvenate the neurons and stimulate them to improve nervous signaling thereby improving cerebral functioning. Ayurvedic medicines mentioned in the shastras that have been known to cure neurological deficits are used to treat such patients. Gradually, when the patient starts the ayurvedic treatment he starts experiencing reduction in the symptoms. Moreover, the epileptic attacks become lesser in intensity and duration which eventually stops.

Introduction of Epilepsy

A disorder in which nerve cell activity and brain’s electrical signaling is disrupted, causing seizures, is called epilepsy. It is correlated with Apasmara in ayurveda. Apa refers to negation or loss & smara means recollection or memory.

Statitcs of Epilepsy

Imagine a world where 70% of epilepsy sufferers could avoid seizures if their condition was correctly identified and treated through Ayurveda . 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy and the answer to healing would be to adopt a traditional medicine & plant based treatment that is attuned to the cycles of nature. Epilepsy is not caused by a single seizure. Two or more unprovoked seizures are considered to be an epileptic seizure.

Risk of Epilepsy

  • Having a family history of epilepsy
  • Infections like meningitis, encephalitis, parasitic infection etc
  • Prenatal risks like infection in the mother, malnutrition.
  • A trauma or injury to the head.
  • Brain abnormalities like tumors, malformations etc

Symptoms of Epilepsy

Depending on which part of the brain is involved, seizures can affect people in different ways.

  • Experiencing fits like involuntary jerking and shaking.
  • Loss of awareness & staring blankly into space.
  • Stiffness in the muscles of arms,legs & trunk.
  • Strange sensations in the tummy, a tingling feeling in arms or legs.
  • Sudden collapse and falling to the floor.
  • Sometimes you might pass out and not remember what happened.

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Consumption of unhealthy food
  • Being involved in unethical practices
  • Having a debilitated mind.
  • A trauma or injury to the head.
  • Long-term fear, anger, stress & grief.
  • Starving for longer durations
  • Having incompatible meal combinations
  • Suppressing natural urges to urinate, cry, etc
  • Staying up late at night
  • Intake of food at irregular intervals
  • Exposure to cold winds
  • Speaking very loudly and laughing too much

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

Vitiation of Mansik Doshas i.e Rajas and Tamas (Due to anxiety, stress, fear, grief) + Vitiation of Sharirik Doshas i.e Vata, Pita, Kapha (predominant vata vitiation) (due to an unhealthy lifestyle) The doshas get accumulated in mano vaha strotas called the channels of mind. This leads to affliction of smriti (memory), illusion of mind, visual hallucinations, seizures, tonic spasm and clonic jerks and frothy salivation.


We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first identify the underlying cause and take necessary steps for the same. A natural approach is taken to treat the apasmara patients with the help of herbs like ashwagandha and brahmi to calm the mind that in turn treats the causative factors like underlying stress, grief and anxiety. Ayurvedic medicines with Medhya herbs like shankhpushpi and jyotishmati that have been known to promote intellect and memory rejuvenate the neurons and stimulate them to improve nervous signaling thereby improving cerebral functioning. Ayurvedic medicines mentioned in the shastras that have been known to cure neurological deficits are used to treat such patients. Gradually, when the patient starts the ayurvedic treatment he starts experiencing reduction in the symptoms. Moreover, the epileptic attacks become lesser in intensity and duration which eventually stops.

  • Q. How is Epilepsy different from a seizure?

    Ans. Epilepsy is a neurological illness characterized by multiple recurring unpredictable seizures, whereas a seizure is a single occurrence of spontaneous electrical disturbance in the brain causing uncontrolled movements.

  • Q. How long do seizures usually last?

    Ans. A seizure can last anywhere between few seconds to few minutes depending on the nature of the seizure.

  • Q. If I have a seizure, does that mean I have epilepsy?

    Ans. Other medical conditions can also cause seizures, eg:- electrolyte imbalance, brain infections, poisoning, high fever, low sugar levels and withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.

  • Q. Can I exercise and play sports if I have epilepsy?

    Ans. People with epilepsy often worry that physical activity or sports can make their seizures worse. Seizure activity is rarely "triggered" by exercise. In fact, regular exercise may actually be helpful for your overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Avoiding exercise related injuries however is always recommended.

  • Q. How does alcohol affect me if I have epilepsy?

    Ans. Large amounts of alcohol can raise your risk of seizures. Alcohol has not been proven to enhance the likelihood of seizures when consumed in modest and moderate amounts.

  • Q. I have epilepsy, so can I get pregnant?

    Ans. It is possible to get pregnant after being epileptic. However, being pregnant while having epilepsy is a huge risk on the life of the child and the mother. Though everyone's body reacts in a different way during pregnancy but still one should always be careful as the risk of low birth weight, low oxygen to fetus, low fetal heart rate, trauma is enormous.

  • Q. Are your medicines safe?

    Ans. Dr Dassan’s Ayurveda provides 100% natural and safe medicines.

  • Q. In how many days can I start seeing results?

    Ans. After taking our treatment along with a proper diet advised by our doctors, you can start seeing signs of improvement within 25-30 days. You'll notice that the seizures will become alot less intense & frequent and gradually stop.

  • Q. How do you treat Epilepsy in Ayurveda?

    Ans. At Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, a natural approach is taken to treat the epilepsy patients with the help of herbs like ashwagandha and brahmi to calm the mind that in turn the causative factors like underlying stress, grief and anxiety are treated. The calming effect of these medicines help slow down the excitatory signals, in turn reducing the intensity and frequency of the seizures. We use Ayurvedic medicines with Medhya herbs to promote intellect, memory and rejuvenate the neurons and stimulate them to improve nervous signaling thereby improving cerebral functioning.
