Ayurvedic Learning Disabilities Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment for Learning Disabilities

We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, provide patients with learning disabilities a natural treatment in the form of Medhya herbs like brahmi, jatamansi and shankhpushpi in order to enhance memory, intellect, learning performance and restore the cognitive deficits by rejuvenating the neurons. Calming herbs like ashwagandha are used to relax the patient’s mind. Additionally, tridosha and triguna are balanced with the help of an appropriate diet and lifestyle.

Introduction of Learning Disabilities

These are the disorders that affect the brain’s ability to receive, remember and process the information. These problems make it hard for the child to concentrate and do well in school.

Statitcs of Learning Disabilities

  • Every one out of five kids struggle with learning and attention.
  • In the US, more than 4 million children suffer from a learning disability.
  • Students with learning disabilities drop out of high school nearly three times the rate of all the students.

Risk of Learning Disabilities

  • Family history of learning disability
  • Experiencing psychological trauma
  • An injury or trauma to the head
  • Exposure to toxins such as lead
  • Certain infections during pregnancy
  • Consumption of certain drugs during pregnancy
  • Complications during pregnancy
  • Having a low birth weight
  • Being prematurely born
  • A rare possibility of having a brain tumor at a young age.

Type of Learning Disabilities


It is a specific form of learning disability that impairs a person’s capacity of understanding numbers and picking up math concepts.


It is a specific learning disability that impairs one’s fine motor skills and writing abilities.


It is a type of learning disability that affects reading and language-based processing skills.

Non verbal learning disability

It is a difficulty in reading nonverbal signs including body language or facial expressions and may have poor coordination.

Symptoms of Learning Disabilities

  • Difficulty in reading
  • Problems in spelling
  • Trouble with numbers
  • Problems in retrieving words
  • Difficulty in summarizing a story
  • Difficulty in memorizing things

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Mental & emotional abuse & trauma
  • Excessive exercise & overexertion
  • Starving for long durations
  • Intake of incompatible meal combinations
  • Suppressing natural urges like the urge to yawn & cry
  • Staying up late at night
  • Experiencing fear, anger, grief, and stress
  • Intake of food at irregular intervals

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

Effective learning as per ayurveda is a result of interactions of :

  • Indriyas (cognitive and motor organs)
  • Mana (psyche)
  • Buddhi (intellect)

Tridosha(vata, pitta, kapha) and Triguna (satya, rajas and tamas) control the proper functioning of Indriya, Mana and Buddhi in a specific coordination and balance. Any disruption to Tridosha and Triguna will result in dysfunctionalities of the same leading to learning disabilities.


We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, provide patients with learning disabilities a natural treatment in the form of Medhya herbs like brahmi, jatamansi and shankhpushpi in order to enhance memory, intellect, learning performance and restore the cognitive deficits by rejuvenating the neurons. Calming herbs like ashwagandha are used to relax the patient’s mind. Additionally, tridosha and triguna are balanced with the help of an appropriate diet and lifestyle.

  • Q. What is a Learning Disability?

    Ans. The genetic condition which can impact the neurological system and acts as a barrier to receive, process and express the information. A learning disability is a hereditary or biological disorder that affects the central nervous system neurologically.

  • Q. Is it possible that my children may get dyslexia if my husband does?

    Ans. Given that dyslexia is an inherited ailment, it's probable that you'll pass this condition on to your offspring as well.

  • Q. How is attention deficit disorder, or ADD related to learning disabilities?

    Ans. The areas of the brain that filter inputs are affected by ADD. A person with ADD is unable to prioritize or filter out the stimuli they are exposed to. Apart from that, they may struggle to concentrate and focus, and too many distractions will prevent the person from performing complex thinking processes. Sometimes, but not usually, a person with ADD also has a learning disability.

  • Q. How Does a Learning Disability Occur?

    Ans. Either you are born with it or you have a disease or injury that damages specific parts of the brain.

  • Q. What can I do at home to help my child in ways other than academics?

    Ans. Children with learning difficulties need to know that their efforts at home and in the classroom are supported, acknowledged, and valued.

    • Even for little accomplishments, giving a youngster positive feedback can assist to increase their self-esteem.
    • As much as possible, children's strengths should be emphasized while also being reminded that their learning needs are only one aspect of who they are as individuals.

  • Q. When will my child begin to improve?

    Ans. By adhering to a suitable medication regimen together with a healthy diet and regular exercise, one may begin seeing effects within 20–25 days of treatment.

  • Q. How can I encourage my learning-disabled child to read more?


    You may influence your child in a variety of read more ways:

    • Set a time when they can read.
    • Make sure the books are in their interests and aren't too complex for them.
    • Make a reading area in the house.
    • To avoid making them feel pushed, try reading with them.
    • Express your passion and enthusiasm for reading.

  • Q. Is there any treatment for learning disorders in Ayurveda?

    Ans. At Dr. Dassan's Ayurveda, we provide patients with learning disabilities with a natural treatment that enhances memory, intelligence, learning performance, and cures cognitive deficiencies by rebuilding neurons with Medhya herbs like brahmi, jatamansi, and Shankhpushpi. To relax the patient's mind, calming herbs like ashwagandha are employed.

  • Q. Do treatments have any side effects?

    Ans. There are no side effects from treatment since we believe in giving patients high-quality medications that are given at the proper dosage and Anupana (taken along with medicine).

  • Q. What is the price of the course of treatment?

    Ans. The monthly cost of our treatment ranges from Rs. 2000 to 4000. We think that the body should be treated as a whole. So in addition to the ailment, we will provide/ prescribe medicines according to the patient’s health requirement.

  • Q. Does my child's learning disability imply that they are less intelligent?

    Ans. It doesn't necessarily imply that your child is less intelligent, though. It simply implies that your child is struggling in a certain area, such as writing or reading, or it might be hand, motor coordination, etc., which if identified early enough can be treated with exercises and interventions.
