Ayurvedic Erectile Dysfunction Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment Erectile Dysfunction

We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first try to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha. This helps us to understand the underlying cause better. We focus on calming the vata dosha in order to maintain the ejaculation, proper blood flow and erection. Ayurvedic medicines to increase sex drive, boost the overall reproductive health, improve sperm count and sperm motility are prescribed to such patients. We use vajikarana herbs which improve strength, potency and sexual vigour contributing to a happy sexual life and a healthy progeny.

About Erectile Dysfunction

The inability to achieve and sustain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse is called erectile dysfunction. It is correlated with klaibya in ayurveda.

Statistics of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Erectile dysfunction is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor.
  • Over 30 million men are affected by this condition.

Risk factors of Erectile dysfunction

  • Chronic diabetes
  • Overuse of certain drugs
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Nerve related disorders like Parkinson’s
  • Smoking and tobacco
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction
  • Certain surgeries or spinal cord injury

Symptoms of Erectile dysfunction

  • Problem getting an erection
  • Issues sustaining the erection
  • Reduction in sexual desire
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Distress to the man and his partner

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Excessive sexual intercourse
  • Excessive maturbation
  • Excessive exercise & chronic overexertion
  • Suffering from stress, fear, rage & grief
  • Excessive cold, dry & spicy food intake
  • Starving for longer durations
  • Incompatible meal combinations
  • Suppressing natural urges to urinate & ejaculate
  • Staying up late at night
  • Exposure to chilly winds

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

The chief factors causing this condition are:

  • Aggravated vata (apana vayu)
  • Afflicted sattva (mental stability)
  • Dhatukshaya (tissue depletion) especially shukra kshaya (depleted semen)

Erectile dysfunction is caused due to aggravated apana vayu that afflicts the semen flow and in addition to that, it afflicts the flow of signals from skin to brain, thus affecting sensation of touch and arousal. Furthermore, excessive sex, exercise, stress, lack of nourishment causes semen depletion. All these factors together lead to klaibya.


We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first try to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha. This helps us to understand the underlying cause better. We focus on calming the vata dosha in order to maintain the ejaculation, proper blood flow and erection. Ayurvedic medicines to increase sex drive, boost the overall reproductive health, improve sperm count and sperm motility are prescribed to such patients. We use vajikarana herbs which improve strength, potency and sexual vigour contributing to a happy sexual life and a healthy progeny.

  • Q. How common is erectile dysfunction?

    Ans. Men of all ages can occasionally have erectile dysfunction (ED) when they are under stress. A medical practitioner must be consulted for therapy if the ED worsens over time and occurs frequently.

  • Q. What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

    Ans. The inability to retain blood, restricted blood flow to the penis (which stops it from hardening), or nerve injury are the three physical causes of ED. Emotions and stress can also contribute to ED. It can also be a sign of more severe conditions including atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries, heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or hypertension.

  • Q. What are the other health conditions associated with Erectile Dysfunction?

    Ans. Numerous problems are associated with erectile dysfunction like obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes. Sexual problems can also arise from mental health issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues.

  • Q. Does Erectile Dysfunction lead to infertility?

    Ans. Low sperm production, sperm abnormalities, and sperm delivery system obstructions are the causes of male infertility. Male infertility is not directly caused by Erectile Dysfunction, however, they may share certain underlying factors.

  • Q. What lifestyle habits contribute to Erectile Dysfunction?

    Ans. Lifestyle habits contributing to Erectile Dysfunction are: Smoking Lack of physical activity Unhealthy diet Being overweight or obesity Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Q. How does Ayurveda help in treating Erectile Dysfunction?

    Ans. Here at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, we will try to understand your dosha, diet, and lifestyle habits to identify the underlying cause of your problem. After that, we advise you of some dietary & lifestyle changes along with our ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction. Our medicine’s Vajikarana properties will help you maintain ejaculation, proper blood flow, and erection. This will improve strength, potency, and sexual vigor.

  • Q. What is the cost of the treatment?

    Ans. Our medicines i.e the full course of treatment could cost around Rs 5000 to Rs 8000 per month that depends on the digestive power, appetite, and other associated conditions that the patient might be having since we believe in not just treating the disease but the body as a whole.

  • Q. Are there any side effects of your treatment?

    Ans. No, there are no side effects of the treatment as it includes a combination of natural rasayana and Vajikarana herbs which enhance sexual vigor. All medicines provided are of good quality with appropriate dosage and Anupana (taken along with medicine).

  • Q. How do I know whether ayurvedic treatment is effective or not?

    Ans. Usually, the patients start seeing significant signs of improvement within 25-30 days after getting a proper course of our treatment.

  • Q. Can Sexually transmitted diseases cause low sperm count?

    Ans. Yes, decreased sperm count can be brought on by sexually transmitted infections (STDs). These infections can hinder sperm production and result in damage that prevents sperm from passing through.

  • Q. Does masturbation affect sperm count?

    Ans. Ejaculation usually occurs after masturbation. Your sperm count will temporarily decrease even though this won't have any long-term effects on the quality or quantity of your sperm. Regular masturbation can reduce your sperm count and make it harder to conceive if you're trying to conceive a child with your partner. When you and your partner are trying to conceive a child, it is advisable to avoid masturbating.
