Ayurvedic Premature Ejaculation Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment Premature Ejaculation

We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first try to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha. This helps us to understand the underlying cause better. We focus on calming the vata dosha in order to maintain the ejaculation, proper blood flow and erection. Ayurvedic medicines to increase sex drive, boost the overall reproductive health, improve sperm count and sperm motility are prescribed to such patients. We use vajikarana herbs which improve strength, potency and sexual vigour contributing to a happy sexual life and a healthy progeny.

About Premature ejacuation

Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs earlier than required, before or during sex. It can be correlated as a disorder of shukra vaha strotas in ayurveda.

Statistics of Premature ejacuation

  • out of 3 men claim that they experience this problem at some time.
  • Most men occasionally reach orgasm sooner than they would like.

Risk factors of Premature ejacuation

  • Family history of premature ejaculation
  • Unusual hormone levels
  • Defects in the nervous signaling
  • Inflammation or an infection in prostate/urethra
  • Chronic depression, anxiety, guilt etc.
  • Issues in the relationship
  • Lack of confidence or poor body image

Symptoms of Premature ejacuation

  • Inability to delay ejaculation for more than a minute.
  • Ejaculating even before the penetration.
  • Ejaculation occurring earlier than required.
Ayurvedic Causative Fact
  • Excessive sexual intercourse
  • Indulging in unnatural sexual practices
  • Excessive spicy, dry, bitter, sour food intake.
  • Depletion of semen
  • Excessive exercise & overexertion
  • Staying up late at night
  • Habitual alcohol consumption
  • Mansik doshas like anxiety, stress, anger etc.
  • Not consuming enough nutrients
  • Suppression of natural urges to urinate or ejaculate.

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

The chief factors causing this condition are:

  • Aggravated vata (apana vayu)
  • Afflicted sattva (mental stability)
  • Shukra kshaya (depleted semen)

The above factors cause affliction of shukra vaha srotas i.e the semen carrying channel of the body.The shukra vaha srotas are responsible for the formation, maturation, transportation and ejaculation of semen their affliction causes premature ejaculation.


We at Dr Dassan's Ayurveda, first try to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha. This helps us to understand the underlying cause better. Ayurvedic medicines to increase sex drive, boost the overall reproductive health, improve sperm count and sperm motility are prescribed to such patients. We use vajikarana herbs which improve strength, potency and sexual vigour. With proper treatment, semen quality and hormonal health is improvised which contributes to a happy sexual life and healthy progeny.

  • Q. How is premature ejaculation identified?

    Ans. Consult our doctors if premature ejaculation is affecting your sexual life. They will examine and ask you some questions. Our Ayurvedic doctors will make a diagnosis accordingly, depending upon your semen test reports.

  • Q. Can premature ejaculation be avoided or prevented?

    Ans. Depending on what is causing premature ejaculation, it may be possible to prevent or avoid it. The behavioral strategies suggested below will usually be effective in preventing it.

  • Q. If I have an early ejaculation, should I see a doctor?

    Ans. Depending on how frequently this occurs. It's completely natural to experience premature ejaculation after having sex after a very long interval. Also you can contact us if you tend to ejaculate too soon practically every time you have sex with your spouse.

  • Q. What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

    Ans. There can be physical and psychological difficulties that lead to premature ejaculation. Physical issue: Physical issues that trigger premature ejaculation are often less common. There's no doubt that this problem needs to be treated by a reputed doctor. He/she may assess your condition, and then recommend the best course of action. Psychological issues:- Premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological issues such as lifestyle, stress, and anxiety. Making changes to your way of life, attempting to lessen stress at work or home, and managing performance anxiety during sex can all help you get over this illness.

  • Q. Do only young men experience premature ejaculation?

    Ans. No, it affects every age group of men. However, because older men have improved their ability to control themselves during sexual activity, younger men are more likely to be affected than older men.

  • Q. How many patients have you treated so far?

    Ans. We have numerous records of patients who have gotten well after undergoing our treatment. You can watch various such success stories on our youtube channel. No other treatment has more effective results than our treatment.

  • Q. Can Sexually transmitted diseases cause low sperm count?

    Ans. Yes, decreased sperm count can be brought on by sexually transmitted infections (STDs). These infections can hinder sperm production and result in damage that prevents sperm from passing through.

  • Q. Does masturbation affect sperm count?

    Ans. Ejaculation usually occurs after masturbation. Your sperm count will temporarily decrease even though this won't have any long-term effects on the quality or quantity of your sperm. Regular masturbation can reduce your sperm count and make it harder to conceive if you're trying to conceive a child with your partner. When you and your partner are trying to conceive a child, it is advisable to avoid masturbating.

  • Q. In Ayurveda, how is Premature Ejaculation treated?

    Ans. To find the root of your issue, we at Dr. Dassan's Ayurveda will strive to comprehend your dosha, nutrition, and lifestyle choices. After that, in addition to our ayurvedic medications, we recommend some food and lifestyle changes to you. You can maintain an erection, healthy blood flow, and ejaculation with the aid of our medicines like Yovan Ras Capsules And Yovan Ras oil that have vajikarana effects. Vajikarana herbs are very well known in ayurveda to strengthen, Increase sexual potency, and sexual vigor.
