Ayurvedic Insomnia Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment for Insomnia

We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, make an effort to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha in order to grasp the underlying causes of the disorder. We use herbal blends to relax and calm the patient's mind, including vacha, ashwagandha, brahmi and jatamansi to reduce stress and enhance blood circulation. Patients are advised different methods of massages (abhyanga).We place a strong emphasis on restoring the sleep cycle and balancing the vata dosha throughout the body therefore patients are advised to make necessary lifestyle changes. The main objective is to bring calmness and peace to the body and mind as well as addressing any underlying disorder that may exist. After that, everything starts going back to normal.

Introduction of Insomnia

Insomnia is a condition in which a person has difficulty in falling asleep. This condition can be short-term or long term.

It is correlated with anidra in ayurveda.

Statistics of Insomnia

  • Up to 70 million Americans are affected by this condition every year
  • It is the most common sleep disorder with at least 30% of adults experiencing short-term insomnia.

Risk factors of Insomnia

  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle & menopause.
  • Pregnancy often causes insomnia as well.
  • Common in people aged 60 & over.
  • Chronic physical or mental health conditions like COPD, anxiety etc
  • Stressful events and situations can lead to insomnia.
  • Irregular routine like changing shifts at work or traveling.
  • Excessive screen time can also lead to insomnia.

Symptoms of Insomnia

  • Trouble in falling asleep
  • Waking up in the middle of the night
  • Waking up too early
  • Not feeling rested after the night’s sleep.
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Mood swings, depression or anxiety
  • Lack of concentration

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Psychological trauma due to traumatic events
  • Uncomfortable sleep environment
  • Lacking an optimistic approach toward life
  • Excessive exercise & overexertion
  • Starving for long durations
  • Having incompatible meal combinations
  • Suppressing the natural urge to yawn & cry
  • Disturbed sleeping pattern
  • Experiencing fear, anger, grief, and stress
  • Excessive intake of dry, cold, spicy food

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

According to Ayurveda, sleeplessness can happen when the vata and pitta are aggravated. Vata afflicts the Mano vaha srotas which are the channels of the mind and due to its dry, portable, and light nature. It contributes to the origin of erratic thoughts, concerns, obsessions and trouble in falling asleep.


We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, make an effort to understand the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits and dosha in order to grasp the underlying causes of the disorder. We use herbal blends to relax and calm the patient's mind, including vacha, ashwagandha, brahmi and jatamansi to reduce stress and enhance blood circulation. Patients are advised different methods of massages (abhyanga).We place a strong emphasis on restoring the sleep cycle and balancing the vata dosha throughout the body therefore patients are advised to make necessary lifestyle changes. The main objective is to bring calmness and peace to the body and mind as well as addressing any underlying disorder that may exist. After that, everything starts going back to normal.

  • Q. What are the signs of insomnia?

    Ans. Having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up during the night, and having trouble getting back to sleep or waking up earlier in the morning are the basic symptoms of insomnia.

  • Q. What kind of insomnia might remain for weeks or months?

    Ans. Insomnia that lasts three months or longer and happens at least three nights a week is considered chronic. Poor sleep habits, such as bedtime rituals that fail to signal your body to get ready for sleep or a sleep schedule that is out of sync with your biological clock, are one potential contributing factor to chronic insomnia. Acute insomnia is a type of short-term insomnia that often only lasts a few days or weeks. This kind of insomnia is typically brought on by stressful life events like divorce, the death of a loved one, losing a job, or an impending big test.

  • Q. What advice can you provide those who struggle with insomnia to help them sleep better at night?


    For a restful night's sleep, consider trying some of the following:

    • Create a bedtime ritual that enables you to relax and get ready for sleep.
    • Include regular physical activity in your daily routine, but refrain from exercising right before night.
    • Avoid consuming caffeine, smoking, or alcohol right before bed.
    • Every morning, including weekends and holidays, rise at the same time.
    • Restrict yourself from using mobile and other electronic appliances before you sleep.
  • Q. What is the treatment of insomnia in Ayurveda?

    Ans. Exercise, lifestyle with dietary changes along with certain medications may help to cope with insomnia. We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda make an effort to understand the patient’s lifestyle and dietary habits to grasp the underlying causes of the disorder. We use certain natural Medhya herbs which include Brahmi, jatamansi, Shankhpushpi, etc to calm the patient's mind and enhance the nervous system. Patients are advised of different methods of massage which give soothing and calmness to the patient's mind. Along with it exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes are advised which may help the patient to treat insomnia.

  • Q. Are there any side effects of your treatment?

    Ans. No, there are no side effects of the treatment as it includes a combination of natural Medhya herbs which increase memory providing calmness to the mind which results in increased concentration. All medicines provided are of good quality with appropriate dosage and Anupan (taken along with medicine).

  • Q. How can I tell whether I'm sleeping enough?

    Ans. Sleeping for at least 8 hours is considered an adequate level of sleep. A sound night's sleep is characterized by spontaneous awakening without the need for an alarm clock, the absence of morning headaches, the absence of morning caffeine needs, and the absence of junk food cravings.

  • Q. What is the cost of treatment?

    Ans. Our treatment costs around Rs. 1000 to 3000 per month. Since we believe in not only treating the disease but the body as a whole. Any associated condition along with Insomnia will also be treated.

  • Q. What types of medical disorders can result in insomnia?


    • Heartburn, arthritis, and fibromyalgia are a few medical conditions that might induce insomnia.
    • Chronic anxiety and depression can make it difficult to fall or remain asleep.
    • Men with enlarged prostates may have trouble sleeping since they wake up frequently at night to urinate.
    • Hot flashes and hormonal shifts frequently make it difficult for women to fall asleep.
    • Respiratory illnesses such as asthma Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pregnancy and menopause.
