Ayurvedic Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment


Ayurvedic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, focus on reducing the inflammation of glomeruli thus preventing the leakage of protein through the vessels. Cooling and soothing herbs included in mutravirajniya category (herbs to restore natural urine colour and texture) are used to treat inflammation. Additionally, we focus on providing nourishment to the nephrons and regulating renal filtration with the help of ayurvedic medicines that have diuretic as well as nutritive properties. Once we counter the inflammation, the required amount of protein is restored in the blood thereby reducing the swelling and improving the malnourishment of the patient.

About Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes your body to pass too much protein in your urine as a result of damage to the glomerulus (clusters of blood vessels in the kidney). In ayurveda, it is correlated with disorders of mutra vaha srotas which are the urine carrying channels.

Statistics of Nephrotic Syndrome

  • The prevalence of this illness in adults is roughly 3 cases per 100,000 per year.
  • The condition is more common in women than in men with a ratio of 2:1.

Risk Factors of Nephrotic Syndrome

Medical conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Lupus Erythematosus
  • Amyloidosis
  • Reflux nephropathy
Certain medications
  • NSAIDs
  • Antibiotic medications
Certain infections
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B & C
  • Malaria

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

  • Frothy urine due to proteinuria
  • Swelling around eyes, feet and ankles.
  • Generalised weakness and fatigue
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention
  • Nausea and decreased appetite
  • Abdominal pain and general feeling of malaise

Ayurvedic Causative Fact

  • Mansik doshas like fear, anger, grief etc
  • Suppressing the natural urge to urinate
  • Excessive physical exertion
  • Chronic indigestion
  • Staying up late at night
  • Incompatible unhealthy diet
  • Habitual intake of alcohol
  • Riding on a fast-moving vehicle
  • Excessive intake of fish & meat
  • Intake of food before the previous meal is digested

Ayurvedic Pathogenesis

According to ayurveda, nephrotic syndrome results from a disturbance in the urinary channels which are the mutra vaha srotas. Pitta aggravation is considered to be the main factor that causes glomerular inflammation which results in leakage of ojas component (albumin) through the urine.


We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, focus on reducing the inflammation of glomeruli thus preventing the leakage of protein through the vessels. Cooling and soothing herbs included in mutravirajniya category (herbs to restore natural urine colour and texture) are used to treat inflammation. Additionally, we focus on providing nourishment to the nephrons and regulating renal filtration with the help of ayurvedic medicines that have diuretic as well as nutritive properties. Once we counter the inflammation, the required amount of protein is restored in the blood thereby reducing the swelling and improving the malnourishment of the patient.

  • Q. Why does nephrotic syndrome occur?


    • Nephrotic syndrome frequently results from damage to the clusters of tiny blood capillaries in your kidneys that filter waste and surplus water from your blood.
    • Amyloidosis and diabetes (accumulation of amyloid proteins in your blood).
    • HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and malaria are among the infections that raise the chance of developing the nephrotic syndrome.

  • Q. What are the possible complications of nephrotic syndrome?

    Ans. The possible complications include blood clots, acute kidney injury, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, anemia, heart failure, fluid buildup in the lungs, etc.

  • Q. What are the signs of nephrotic syndrome?

    Ans. The following are the signs of nephrotic syndrome:

    • High quantities of protein are found in the urine in albuminuria.
    • Hyperlipidemia: The blood has increased levels of cholesterol and fat.
    Also apart from the above-mentioned signs some patients with nephrotic syndrome also experience the following things:-
    • Urine gets foamy
    • Fluid buildup leads to weight gain
    • Appetite loss
    • Fatigue

  • Q. What is the diet for a nephrotic syndrome patient?

    Ans. Dietary management of nephrotic syndrome is crucial. Our Ayurvedic doctors advise you to reduce your salt intake to lower your blood pressure and prevent edema. Try to consume a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol as nephrotic syndrome can cause an increase in your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Additionally, doing so may lower your risk of acquiring heart disease. Even though this illness makes you lose protein in your urine, consuming an appropriate amount of protein is necessary, i.e 1g protein/Kg body weight.

  • Q. What food should be avoided during nephrotic syndrome?


    • Processed Cheeses.
    • Frozen Food
    • Canned Meats.
    • Salted Bread.
    • Pickled Vegetables.
    • Salted Potato Chips, Popcorn, And Nuts.
    • Refrigerated food items

  • Q. How is nephrotic syndrome tested in patients?


    • A urine test determines the presence of the protein in your urine.
    • Blood tests including kidney function tests are conducted.
    • The third way is conducting a kidney biopsy to know the microscopic signals to see whether the kidney is damaged or not.

  • Q. How does Ayurveda treat Nephrotic Syndrome?

    Ans. We at Dr. Dassan’s Ayurveda, focus on reducing inflammation which is achieved by providing certain soothing and cooling herbs. Certain exercises, lifestyle, and dietary changes are made to follow during the course. Once inflammation is reduced, proteins get restored in the blood in turn reducing symptoms of swelling.

  • Q. What is the price of the medical care at Dr. Dassan Ayurveda?

    Ans. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the ailment, hence the cost of our medications, or the full course of therapy, might range from Rs 3000 to 6000 each month depending on the patient's appetite, digestive capacity, and other possible problems.

  • Q. How quickly can a nephrotic syndrome patient heal?

    Ans. By adhering to the recommended medication, food, and lifestyle changes, one may begin noticing symptoms 20–25 days after starting treatment. Recovery is also influenced by the patient's immune system and digestive capacity.
